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Zagórska, K., Drivers of farmers’ willingness to adopt extensive farming practices in ecologically valuable river valleys the case of Biebrza Marshes. EAERE 2019 Annual Conference, 2019-06-28, Manchester

Zagórska, K., Drivers of farmers’ willingness to adopt extensive farming practices in ecologically valuable river valleys. LEEPin2019: The LEEP Institute’s Meeting of International Excellence in Environmental and Resource Economics, 2019-06-24, Exeter (poster presentation)

Zagórska, K., Social norms, neighbourhood ties and green efficacy as drivers of farmers’ willingness to adopt extensive farming practices. 4th Coller Conference on Behavioral Economics, 2019-06-19, Tel Aviv (poster presentation)

Zagórska, K., Social norms, neighbourhood ties and green efficacy as drivers of farmers’ willingness to adopt extensive farming practices. Course in behavioural environmental economics, 2019-06-06, Uppsala

Zagórska, K., Drivers of farmers’ willingness to adopt extensive farming practices in ecologically valuable river valleys – the case of Biebrza Marshes. 2nd GREEN-Econ Spring School in Environmental Economics, 2019-05-21, Marseille

Zagórska, K., Drivers of farmers’ willingness to adopt extensive farming practices in ecologically valuable river valleys – the case of Biebrza Marshes. Annual Conference of the Department of Economics, University of Warsaw, 2018-09-28, Chęciny

Zagórska, K., Letki, N., Czajkowski, M., Drivers of farmers’ willingness to adopt ex-tensive farming practices in ecologically valuable river valleys – the case of Biebrza Marshes. 2nd REECAP workshop, 2018-09-27, Vienna

Kukla-Gryz, A., Zagórska, K., Revealing consumers’ preferences with a modified Groves Clarke tax mechanism. ESA meeting. 2018 ESA World Meeting, 2018-07-01, Berlin

Letki, N., Czajkowski, M., Zagórska K., Improving Biodiversity in the Biebrza Valley in Eastern Poland. PROVIDE Final Conference. 2018-06-27, Brussels (poster presentation)

Zagórska K., Czajkowski M., & Hanley N., Social norms and pro-environment behaviours: heterogeneous response to signals. XIX April International Academic Conference On Economic and Social Development, National Research University, Higher School of Economics, 2018-04-11, Moscow

Zagórska K. Social norms and contributions to public goods: heterogeneous response to signals. 6th Spring School in Behavioral Economics. 2018-03-05, San Diego (poster presentation)

Zagórska, K., Mechanisms underlying changes in consumer’s environmental choices after social norm based interventions. Annual Conference of the Department of Economics, University of Warsaw, 2017-09-23, Chęciny

Zagórska, K., Czajkowski, M., Letki, N., Tryjanowski, P., and Wąs, A., 2017. Farmers’ preferences for Agri Environmental Schemes in the Biebrza Valley. PROVIDE project meeting, 2017-09-24, Cordoba

Kukla-Gryz, A., Szewczyk, P., Zagórska, K., Cultural differences affect voluntary payment decisions: Evidence from guided tours. Eighth European Workshop on Applied Cultural Economics, 2017-09-09, Kraków

Zagórska, K., Farmers’ preferences for agro-environmental schemes in the Biebrza Valley. Summer School on Using Discrete Choice Experiments for the Economic Valuation of Ecosystem Services in Rural Landscapes, 2017-09-03, Schwedt

Zagórska, K., Czajkowski, M., LaRiviere, J., Letki, N. and Hanley, N., Role of risk aversion and knowledge in shaping consumers’ preferences towards GMO labelling policies. International Conference at the Congressi Stefano Franscini (CSF) of ETH Zurich: Human Dimensions of Environmental Risks – Behavioural Experiments, Field Experiments, Survey Research, 2017-05-24, Monte Verità, Ascona

Zagórska, K., Czajkowski, M., LaRiviere, J., Letki, N. and Hanley, N., Do social norms matter? Evidence from stated preference studies varying communicated social norm levels. Manchester Environmental Economics Workshop 2017: Social preferences and environmental and natural resource economics, 2017-05-04, Manchester

Zagórska, K., Czajkowski, M., LaRiviere, J., Letki, N. and Hanley, N., Do social norms matter? Evidence from stated preference studies varying communicated social norm levels. International Choice Modelling Conference, 2017-04-05, Cape Town

Zagórska K., Czajkowski, M., LaRiviere, J., Letki N., Hanley, N., Do social norms matter? Evidence from stated preference studies varying communicated social norm levels. 5’th Workshop on Discrete Choice Modelling, University of Warsaw, 2016-10-06, Warsaw

Zagórska K., Czajkowski, M., LaRiviere, J., Letki N., Hanley, N., Preferencje konsumentów względem polityki znakowania produktów GMO: Analiza wyborów dyskretnych. Annual Conference of the Department of Economics, University of Warsaw, 2016-09-24, Serock

Zagórska, K., Czajkowski, M., Hanley N., Impact of local and national social norm information on respondents’ choices regarding waste sorting at household level. EAERE-FEEM-VIU European Summer School: “Field Experiments in Environmental and Resource Economics”, 2016-06-28, Venice

Kukla-Gryz, A., Zagórska, K., ‟If I can set my own price for tonight’s show I will pay more after watching it!” – evidence from Pay What You Want experiment. 19th International Conference of the ACEI (Association for Cultural Economics International), 2016-06-23, Valladolid

Kukla-Gryz, A., Zagórska, K., The strength of ‟anchoring effect” on Pay What You Want payments: Evidence from Vignette experiment. 19th International Conference of the ACEI, 2016-06-23, Valladolid

Zagórska, K., Discrete choice experiments for agro-environmental schemes. Annual Go4Baltic project meeting, 2016-05-24, Tallinn

Zagórska, K., Agro-environmental schemes in Poland. Annual Go4Baltic project meeting, 2016-05-25, Tallinn

Zagórska, K., Impact of local and national social norm information on respondents’ choices regarding waste sorting at household level. Third Workshop On Non-Market Valuation (WONV), 2015-06-17, Nancy

Zagórska, K., Impact of local and national social norm information on respondents’ choices regarding waste sorting at household level. Ulvön Conference on Environmental Economics, 2015-06-23, Ulvön

Zagórska, K., Czajkowski, M., Ščasný, M., Zvěřinová, I.,Acceptability of Climate Change Policies. . Annual Conference of the Department of Economics, University of Warsaw, 2015-09-25, Sulejów

Wiśniewska, A., Zagórska, K., Who will pay for culture? On social acceptance of public expenses. Debate organized by Kalecki Foundation, 2015-04-23, Warsaw


Video-presentation at the 3rd Citizen Engagement and Deliberative Democracy Festival – available on-line

Ex-ante analysis of novel contracts. Czajkowski M., Contracts2.0 project meeting, 2019-11-12, Aberdeen

Farmers’ preferences for implementing agri-environmental schemes. Hasler B., Nordic Annual Environmental and Resource Economics (NAERE) Workshop, 2019-04-11, Copenhagen

CAP after 2020 – challenges and opportunities. Regional perspective: Poland. Czajkowski, M., Zagórska, K., JRC “Behavioural experiment with EU farmers” project meeting, 2019-03-12, Brussels

‟If I can set my own price for tonight’s show I will pay more after watching it!”- evidence from Pay What You Want experiment. Kukla-Gryz A., Zagórska K. 2018-09-28, Chęciny

Targeted mechanisms for sustainability in agricultural and forestry production – results of the H2020 project PROVIDE. Schaller L., 164th EAAE Seminar on “Preserving Ecosystem Services via Sustainable Agro-food Chains”, 2018-09-05, Crete, Greece

How to use toolboxes and stakeholder participation in policy support? Regional perspective: Poland. Letki N., Zagórska, K.  PROVIDE Final Conference, 2018-06-27, Brussels

Cross country comparison of AES schemes as incentives for nutrient abatement in Baltic Sea catchments – exploring farmers’ preferences. Berit Hasler et al. World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, 2018-06-25, Gothenburg

Exploring farmers’ preferences for implementing agrienvironmental schemes aimed at reducing nutrient leaching Czajkowski, M., Elofsson, K., Hansen, L. B., Hasler, B., Helin, J., Häggmark, T., Konrad, M., Myyra, S., Nielsen, H. Ø., Niiskanen, O., Noman, T., Pedersen, A. B., Petersen, K., Zagorska, K., The 3rd BONUS Symposium: Sustainable ecosystem governance under changing climate and land use, 2018-03-16, Gdansk

Spatially-explicit model of the Baltic Sea based recreation demand – identifying recreational hotspots and the influence of environmental conditions Czajkowski, M., Zandersen, M., Angelidis, I., Aslam, U., Becker, T., Budziński, W., Zagórska, K., The 3rd BONUS Symposium: Sustainable ecosystem governance under changing climate and land use, 2018-03-16, Gdansk

Kukla-Gryz, A., Szewczyk, P., Zagórska, K., Cultural differences affect voluntary payment decisions: Evidence from guided tours. Third North American Workshop on Cultural Economics, 2017-11-21, New Orleans, LA

Kukla-Gryz, A., Zagórska, K., ‟Jeśli mogę samemu zdecydować o cenie jaką zapłacić za spektakl to zapłacę więcej po jego obejrzeniu!” – analiza wyników eksperymentu Płać ile chcesz [‟If I can set my own price for tonight’s show I will pay more after watching it!” – evidence from Pay What You Want experiment]. Konferencja Marketing w Kulturze: Komunikacja – Trendy – Praktyka, 2017-04-21, Gdańsk

Czajkowski, M., Budziński, W., Zagórska, K., Aslam, U., Angelidis, I., Becker, T., Zandersen, M., Coastal recreation valuation – discrete choice model. BalticApp, University of Stockholm, 2017-03-28, Stockholm

Czajkowski, M., Hanley, N., Kądziela, T., Nyborg, K., Zagórska, K., Social norms, morals and self-interest as determinants of pro-environment behaviors: the case of household recycling. Workshop on Environment and Behaviour: Application to Waste Management, LAMETA (University of Montpellier, University of Paul-Valéry Montpellier, INRA, CNRS, SupAgro), 2016-10-13, Montpellier

Czajkowski, M., Hanley, N., Kądziela, T., Nyborg, K., Zagórska K., Social norms, morals and self-interest as determinants of pro-environment behaviors: the case of household recycling. Scotland’s Rural College, 2016-08-31, Edinburgh